社会科学高等研究院学术讲座第12期"Isolated Counties, Administration Monitoring and Misuse of Public Funds"
发布人:网站管理员  发布时间:2018-09-19   动态浏览次数:176


讲座主题: Isolated Counties, Administration Monitoring and Misuse of Public Funds

主讲人: 吴一平

主持人: 潘春阳

邀请部门: 华东理工大学社会科学高等研究院



时间: 2018926日(周三)下午1:30-3:30


主讲人简介:上海财经大学公共经济与管理学院教授,博士生导师。目前兼任上海市经济学会理事,浙江省民营经济研究会高级顾问。研究领域包括:财政政策与企业行为、政府与企业间关系、治理与经济发展。已经在World DevelopmentEmerging  Markets  ReviewJournal of Happiness StudiesChina Economic Review、《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《经济学季刊》等中英文期刊发表论文数十篇,担任China Economic ReviewJournal of Business EthicsEntrepreneurship Theory and Practice、经济研究、经济学季刊、社会学研究、中国工业经济等中英文刊物匿名审稿专家,主持了国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家社科重大项目子课题等课题十余项。

报告摘要Empirical evidence has documented that decentralization produces mixed performance. Understanding what prevents decentralization from being efficient is important from the perspectives of both economic theory and public policy. A lack of administrative monitoring is probably a major reason why decentralization fails. In this paper, we use a unique dataset from audit programs in China to investigate the effects of administrative monitoring. We find that an additional 1-kilometerdistance between a prefecture and its subordinate county is associated with a 4.3% increase in misuse of funds. We argue that county leaders’ promotion incentives and transfer payments contribute to this result.